Remember my post about craft paints from a few weeks ago? Ha. This is my daughter at playcentre this morning. (!!) I just wanted to share this to illustrate that while it’s important to learn about all the things that have lead and other toxicants, it’s also important to balance minor exposure risks with other experiences that bring joy, learning and exploration. Would I let this happen every day? No. Was I constantly cringing while also loving her delight and helping to support her play? Yes. Did I clean her up as soon as I could and give her a bath as soon as we got home? Yes!
So one-time exposures to things like craft paint, galvanised steel, brass, vintage crockery and tyres (for a child who doesn’t mouth things) are not worth panicking over. The things that should NEVER be discounted are exposures to deteriorating old paint, soil near old houses, leadlight/stained glass windows (and the floors under them), and other things with high lead content like fishing sinkers and bullets. For babies that mouth all the things, this is really a different story entirely. Everything is much riskier.
BUT… allowing our kids to be kids in the safest environment we can practically create, while being flexible not to freak out over small infrequent exposures, is so important. We all have different tolerances and a different balance to find. Sometimes we need to let go of trying to make it all perfect and just let our kids ENJOY the slightly toxic experience, even if just for today.